According to a study that has been published in JAMA Pediatrics, a young driver who has ADHD is 36 percent more likely to get into an accident. Other studies have also found a potential link between ADHD and an increased likelihood of getting into an accident. However, past research was considered limited in its scope. The new study reviewed the medical records of 18,500 people, and roughly 2,500 of those individuals had ADHD.
The records were linked to licensing and crash databases spanning 2004 to 2014. Previous studies used data involving accidents reported either by the drivers or the parents of young drivers. One author of the study said that the risks posed by drivers with ADHD can be managed and that society shouldn’t be too fearful of letting them get behind the wheel. However, if the symptoms of ADHD are left untreated, they could cause impairment similar to that of an intoxicated driver.
Symptoms of ADHD include making impulsive decisions as well as difficulty with attention span. This may become a problem when driving long distances, and those with the condition may be prone to becoming distracted while behind the wheel. If a parent thinks that a child is having trouble behind the wheel, it may be a good idea to pair that person with a driving professional.
If a person is injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, he or she may be entitled to compensation. This may help to pay medical bills or replace wages or future earnings lost because of an inability to work. Failing to obey traffic signs or otherwise paying attention to the road may rise to the level of negligence. An attorney may use the accident investigation report, eyewitness statements, and other evidence to establish who should bear financial responsibility.